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TIPS FOR TRANSPLANT (మొలకలు,पौध,நாற்றுகள்) SEEDLING ?

SEEDLING (మొలకలు,पौध,நாற்றுகள்)

Transplanting or Replanting is the technique of moving a plant from one location to another. 

Most often this takes the form of starting a plant from seed in optimal conditions.

Such as in a greenhouse or protected nursery bed, then replanting it in another, usually outdoor, growing location.

Botanical transplants are used infrequently and carefully because they carry with them a significant risk of killing the plant.


  • Select the Mature seedling to transplant.
  • Water the Seedlings before you transplant(Must).
  • Soak the place where you want to transplant.
  • Handle the seedlings with Care
  • Damaging the roots may result in plant's growth so don't damage the roots
  • Transplant in depth but not too depth.

Normally, FARMERS directly sows the seeds to the Field and sometimes it's very hard to Germinate.

You don't face such problems in the Transplantation because we can germinate all the seeds in the Trays
along with the Coco Peat.

For this all you have to do is to buy the CoCo Peat and the Trays which is of Less Cost.

For the Germination of the Seedlings you will have to Keep the Trays in the place where the Sunlight should not Receive.

Containerized transplants or plugs allow separately grown plants to be transplanted with the roots and soil intact.

Typically grown in peat pots (a pot made of compressed peat), soil blocks (compressed blocks of soil), or multiple-cell containers such as plastic packs (four to twelve cells) or larger plug trays made of plastic or Styrofoam.

Non-containerized transplants are typically grown in greenhouse ground beds or benches, outdoors in-ground with row covers and hotbeds, and in-ground in the open field.

The plants are pulled with bare roots for transplanting, which are less-expensive than containerized transplants, but with lower yields due to poorer plant reestablishment.

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