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14 DIY Gardening Hacks That Are Just Right For Your Budget

For some of us, gardening is a way of life. It is a fun and relaxing way to relieve stress and get outdoors. As fun as it may be, it can be a lot of work. There are a lot of things that could go wrong in your garden, and there are a lot of things you need to make sure go right. But all of this adds up. All of that fertilizer, bug repellent, and expensive gardening tools can really make a dip in your wallet. This can turn a hobby into a chore.
Luckily there is a solution. Thanks to gardening life hackers, we have figured out ways to improve our gardens on a budget. Using everyday items like pennies and water bottles can really expand the life of our garden and protect our plants from disastrous pests and bacteria. Best of all, these are all stuff we can do at home. No more trips to the gardening store!
The list below contains the top 17 hacks for a better garden. All of these hacks are affordable and can easily be done with everyday items in your home right now. So what are you waiting for? Your plants are waiting for you!

1. Add coffee grounds to yourgarden

Coffee grounds are full of healthy plant nutrients! Put those coffee grounds in your garden, not in the trash. They also do a great job at keeping away pests.
read more at: podista

2. Use plastic forks to protect your garden

Putting plastic forks in your garden between plants can help keep out rodents and other small animals.

3. Pour rice water in your soil

The next time you make some rice, save that water for the garden! Rice water is a safe and chemical free way to give your plants some extra nutrients.
read more at: healthyfoodteam

4. Shield plants by using water jugs

Reuse water bottles by cutting out the bottom and planting a seedling in the actual bottle itself. This will help it absorb more rainwater and give it a shield to protect it from pests.
read more at: bangordailynews

5. Eliminate grass using cardboard

If you have some grass that you would like out of the way, just lay down some cardboard. Then, lay compost or mulch over the cardboard. You need to add about six inches. Water until compacted. After two months, the ground will be ready for any decorative plants!
read more at: barbolian

6. Put diapers in window boxes

Putting diapers in window boxes helps keep the plants moist and prevents water from draining out. A great little garden hack!
read more at: makeitdo

7. Use vodka to keep cut flowers fresh

Vodka kills bacteria that would normally make the flower wither. This a great way to keep roses and other cut flowers fresh.
read more at: livescience

8. Prevent slugs and snails using pennies

The copper in pennies keeps slugs and snails away from your favorite plants.
read more at: torontosun

9. Increase plant survival with lemons

By cutting out the center of a lemon and adding soil and seed in there, you can expand the survival rate of your plants. The nutrients help it grow while preventing bacteria or pests.
read more at: foodmatters

10. Build your own mini tomato greenhouse

How cool would it be to have your own tomato greenhouse? There is a budget friendly way to make a mini one at home. Great for you tomato lovers!
read more at: npr

11. Plant seeds in eggshells

Eggshells have the essential nutrients needed for the first stage in a plants life. Let delicate plants grow in an eggshell first before transferring them to your garden.

12. Build a self watering garden

A gardener on indestructible revealed a way to use the water disposed from your water heater as a way to self water your garden. Couldn’t hurt to try!
read more at: instructables

13. Get rid of slugs using beer


If you have a slug problem in your garden, just feed them some beer. Slugs will be attracted to the beer and drink it, but then they will die off and stop coming back.
read more at: gardenmyths

14. Make your own earth box

An easy project that will help your plants grow bigger and stronger. Using a container, a drill for some holes, and some soil, you can make your own.
read more at: instructables

Source :  How2official.com
Original Post: financialhustle
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