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Natural Ways to Rid out the Ants in the Garden!

Ways to Rid out the Ants
The Leaves are Eaten up by the Ants


Use the Piece of Chalk to Draw the line around the things like containers
Surprisingly the ants will not the cross the link which you draw and why the ants will not the cross the lines means don't know ?

But It works I have Seen this Practically and it worked greatly .

Don't Hesitate to do this , You need is control the ants.

So, Go ahead and draw the lines with a piece of Chalk.


By using the Vinegar you can control the ants.

Add the Water and Vinegar Equally in a Bottle , Spray at the starting points of the Ants trail.

This will discourage and acts as a Ants Repellent.


Lemon juice is the Natural ant Repellent

Add the Lemon Juice and Water Equally in a bottle , Spray it on the Ants trails.

As the Lemon has Citric Acid which destroys the sense of the Ants.

Now,your Problem is Solved!


It is the Popular method to rid out the ants.

add the dish wash soap to the water and spray it on the trails of the ants.

You're Succeeded

you can apply this for to eliminate other bugs.


You can use the Boric Acid which destroys the Ants and it senses.

Use the Salt to get rid out the ants.
 Use the Coffee powder(Coffee Grounds) to eliminate the ants as the Ants doesn't like the Coffee Grounds.
You can use the Peppers Powder to Rid-off the Ants .


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