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Container Gardening Ideas!

The following pictures shows some ideas regarding to setup your container Gardening!

You know what ? all the food you are eating is chemical treated foods completely .

Pesticides and Chemicals are widely using to control the Pests and diseases!

This causes severe health problems to the people like dangerous cancers etc.,

Now a days , people wants to earn more money in the less time.

They don't want the people how they are going to be affected by this chemical based food production!

So , there is a solution for this and you can grow your vegetables on your terrace in the containers.

This helps you a lot to eat your own natural  food !

Take the containers and fill the containers with soil including compost/coco-peat  
Because the soil must be rich in nutrients so that plants can be grown easily in the containers!

Sow the seeds into the containers and water them.

The seeds will germinate and If you have no belief on germinating use the trays for to grow the seedling and transplant them to the Containers after germination .

Take care about the pests and diseases to the plants!

Spray neem oil by adding it to the water!
Pests and Diseases may be controlled by spraying the neem oil!
Don't forget to add some good compost after some days to grow rapidly and to strengthen the plant's Health

And When you familiarize in growing the food of yourself. You have chance to try your small experience in the big land with experts suggestions !

By doing this you will get more yield and more money and you grow this in natural/organic way.

Let's see some Container Gardening picture and then we will go how to do that CONTAINER GARDENING!

The Curry leaves growing in a container !

Tamarind is growing in the tyre !

Read this articles to Grow more in less space : Endless supply of onions in Indoors!

Read also how to grow different vegetables and herbs!

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