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7 fastest growing vegetables!

It will be ready for harvest in just  45 - 60 days from planting
They do well planted directly into the ground once the soil is warm enough. They’ll need plenty of water, sun and a trellis or cage on which the vines may grow.
You will get the high yield if you plant the beans in full sun. Beans tend to stop flowering in the over heat of the summer  and 
partial shade might seem like a good idea, but keeping them watered should be enough relief for them.

They will continue to flower soon. Full sun also helps keep the plants less likely to be affected by disease.

It will be ready for harvest in just  30 days from planting .
Generally grown as a hardy annual, lettuce is easily cultivated, although it requires relatively low temperatures to prevent it from flowering quickly. It can be plagued with numerous nutrient deficiencies, as well as insect and mammal pests and fungal and bacterial diseases. L. sativa crosses easily within the species and with some other species within the Lactuca genus; although this trait can be a problem to home gardeners who attempt to save seeds, biologists have used it to broaden the gene pool of cultivated lettuce varieties. World production of lettuce and chicory for calendar year 2010 stood at 23 620 000/23,620,000 tonnes, half of which came from China.Seeds can be sown directly into the soil .

Lettuce is most often used for salads, although it is also seen in other kinds of food, such as soups, sandwiches and wraps; it can also be grilled. One variety, the woju. or asparagus lettuce, is grown for its stems, which are eaten either raw or cooked. Lettuce is a rich source of vitamin K and vitamin A, and is a moderate source of folate and iron. Contaminated lettuce is often a source of bacterial, viral and parasitic outbreaks in humans, including E. coli and Salmonella. In addition to its main use as a leafy green, it has also gathered religious and medicinal significance over centuries of human consumption.

  • IRAN


It will be ready for harvest in just  50 - 60 days from planting.
The Pea is most commonly the small spherical seed or the seed-pod of the pod fruit .Each pod contains several peas. Pea pods are botanically fruit.
Directly sow the seeds into the soil
They require less care and easy to harvest.
A pea is a most commonly green, occasionally golden yellow, or infrequently purple pod-shaped vegetable, widely grown as a cool season vegetable crop. The seeds may be planted as soon as the soil temperature reaches 10 °C (50 °F), with the plants growing best at temperatures of 13 to 18 °C (55 to 64 °F).
But do grow well in cooler, high altitude, tropical areas. Many cultivars reach maturity about 60 days after planting.
Bio plastics can be made using pea starch . 
There are many varieties of Peas.

Health Benefits of Peas
  • It helps to Reduce the Weight by burning the Fat
  • It has anti-aging elements keeps you to look younger
  • It keeps the Sugar Levels of Blood in Control
  • Improves the Vision who are Suffering from the Eye Sight.
  • Helps to grow the Hair Thicker
GREEN ONIONSwill be ready for harvest in just  20 - 30  days from planting and matured onions take 6 months
Spring onions may be cooked or used raw as a part of salads, salsas, or Asianrecipes. Diced scallions are used in soup, noodle and seafood dishes, as well as sandwiches, curries or as part of a stir fry. In many Eastern sauces, the bottom half-centimetre (quarter-inch) of scallions roots is commonly removed before use.
In Japan, scallions are cultivated in two separate ways. In Western Japan, "leaf" green scallions are typically consumed, where the green portion is consumed. In Eastern Japan, "root" green scallions are popular. The scallions are partially buried, so a portion of the stalk is kept underground. As a result a significant part of the stalk remains white in color, and has been cultivated to be very thick. The green portion of these "root" scallions are discarded, and the thick white portions of the scallion are consumed. In Japanese cuisine, scallions are used in abundance, as an accompaniment to tofu, noodle dishes, hot pots, and stir fries.
In Vietnam, Welsh onion is important to prepare dưa hành (fermented onions) which is served for Tết, the Vietnamese New Year. A kind of sauce, mỡ hành (Welsh onion fried in oil), is used in dishes such as cơm tấmbánh ítcà tím nướng, and others. Welsh onion is the main ingredient in the dish cháo hành, which is a rice porridge dish to treat the common cold.
In India it is eaten as an appetizer (raw) with main meals. In north India Coriander, Mint and Onion Chutney is made using scallions (raw).
In southern Philippines, it is ground in a mortar along with some ginger and chili pepper to make a native condiment called wet palapa, which can be used to spice up dishes, or topped in fried or sun dried food. It could also be used to make the dry version of palapa, which is stir fried fresh coconut shavings and wet palapa.
During the Passover meal (Seder), Persian Jews lightly and playfully strike family members with scallions when the Hebrew word dayenu is read, symbolizing the whips endured by the Israelites under the ancient Egyptians.

An oil, scallion oil is sometimes made from the green leaves. The leaves are chopped, lightly cooked, oil is added and then it is liquidised. The oil is then used as a garnish.

It will be ready for harvest in just  30 days from planting and matured carrots  harvested in 65 days.
Mainly it needs water and full sunlight with good fertile soil.
It can be grown in any where .
The carrot is a root vegetable, usually orange in colour, though purple, black, red, white, and yellow varieties exist.
Carrots are useful companion plants for gardeners. The pungent odour of onions, leeks and chives help repel the carrot root fly, and other vegetables that team well with carrots include lettuce, tomatoes and radishes, as well as the herbs rosemary and sage. Carrots thrive in the presence of carawaycorianderchamomilemarigold and Swan River daisy.If left to flower, the carrot, like any umbel lifer, attracts predatory wasps that kill many garden pests.
Carrots are grown from seed and can take up to four months (120 days) to mature, but many varieties mature in 70 to 80 days under the right conditions. They grow best in full sun but tolerate some shade.The optimum temperature is 16 to 21 °C (61 to 70 °F). The ideal soil is deep, loose and well-drained, sandy or loamy, with a pH of 6.3 to 6.8. Fertilizer should be applied according to soil type because the crop requires low levels of nitrogen, moderate phosphate and high potash. Rich or rocky soils should be avoided, as these will cause the roots to become hairy and/or misshapen. Irrigation is applied when needed to keep the soil moist. After sprouting, the crop is eventually thinned to a spacing of 3 – 4 inches and weeded to prevent competition beneath the soil.

Health Benefits of the Carrots
  • Improves the Vision who are the suffering from the Deficiency of the Eye Vision
  • It Rid out the Elements which are causing the Cancer.
  • It has Anti-aging elements who keeps you to look Younger.
  • It Prevents you from the Infections which going to bother you.
  • The Toxic things will be eliminated by the Fiber in the Carrots.
  • It Decreases the Chances of the Heart Strokes and Keeps you Healthy
  • Removes the Dead Cells from the Body and Makes you Glow
  • Dental Problems can be Rid out by this

It will be ready for harvest in just  30 days from planting.
It Grows in any soil
It  grow's  in sunlight but shade is better.
If you are growing this in a container , 
Water the soil in the container 
Place the seeds in the soil 
Once it Germinates leave it grow well in the container , or If you want to transplant take care while removing it from the container

You can harvest the spinach when the leaves are big , cut the leaves which are big leave the small leaves to grow big.

It will be ready for harvest in just  50 - 60 days from planting.
They do well planted directly into the ground once the soil is warm enough. They’ll need plenty of water, sun and a trellis or cage on which the vines may grow.
You will get the high yield if you plant the beans in full sun. Beans tend to stop flowering in the over heat of the summer  and 
partial shade might seem like a good idea, but keeping them watered should be enough relief for them.
They will continue to flower soon. Full sun also helps keep the plants less likely to be affected by disease.

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