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Why Weeding! How to Rid out it!||Detailed Explanation||

First of all Weeds have no Pro's and only have Con's!
  • Weeds have no use to have it in the Garden . Try to Remove Weeds as may as possible.
  • It is important  to remove  all the weeds from the Soil before sowing or planting. 

Image of Weeds on the Soil that to be Removed otherwise it kills the Soil Strength 
  • Do this job thoroughly, and you will experience fewer problems as the season progresses. 
  • The Weeds must be Removed because it absorbs more water.

  • Some Weeds can be pull out easily while others like dandelion are best to dug out.
Image of Dandelion

  • It is Essential to  remove the Whole Root System ,Otherwise small pieces of roots will regenerate the Weeds Successfully. 

Image of Small Roots if it is not Completely removed small pieces of roots will generate weeds

  • Due to Weeds mainly the Resistance of the Plant will gradually decrease's.
  • This  Results the plants will be easily attracted by the Pests and Insects,thus we will get less yield.

  • If we spray the insecticides and Pesticides to Control that , it may control the pests and insects but we will get chemical yield.
  • Chemical foods are not good for health  causes Various Diseases.(Because of Weeds :( )
                                                                        Image of  pests attacking on plant

  • It Occupies more Space in the Garden also Reduces the QUALITY OF THE FOODS          because it absorbs more nutrients.

Image of reduced Quality of foods because of weeding

  • This type of  weeds will deprive your productive plants of water, light, and nutrients, if you forget to check the weeds in the Garden.
  • It is Important to Remove the Weeds of Following 

Shrubby Weeds

Image of Shrubby Weeds


Image of Bindweed


                                                                  Image of Brambles


Image of Couch Grass


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